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ALBUQUERQUE, NM. MARCH 1, 2025. Protesters across the country made their voices heard today as they urged the federal government to reverse their actions and restore the park rangers to their jobs.

Of all the casualties that are suffering the firings of Trump and Musk, the saddest may be the firings of our National Park Rangers. There are more than 189 million acres in the United States dedicated to the National Park Service and the rangers are charged with protecting them and the people who visit. Their goals are to make these lands inviting, inspiring and safe.

The average salary for a ranger is $48,000 per year, depending on experience, education and skill level. In New Mexico, the salaries are about $20 per hour. Even at this relatively low salary level, the Trump-Musk-Doge team determined that many NPS rangers had to be fired in order to save money. Many of those fired also lost their housing and, of course, their benefits. CNN reported that 1,000 park employees, including rangers, were fired along with 2,000 National Forest Service employees. CNN also said that the parks will increase their seasonal hiring from 6,350 to 7,700 persons. These seasonal employees will be low-level hires that may not be able to fill the roles of the permanent rangers that were fired.

All of this has taken a toll on park visitors. Carlsbad Caverns, for example, has canceled guided tours. Yosemite National Park is no longer selling reservations at five campgrounds,



I have been working with a group of senior adults in New Mexico to find a way for us to add our voices to the protests against Donald Trump. We decided to record our protests and send the reel to our Congressmen, Senators, and Governor as well as the important media personalities like Rachel Maddow, Lawrence O'Donnell, and Nicole Wallace with the hope that they will share our protests with the world.

Running Time 13:05